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Everything posted by RevoUni
remember i made this post back in April, so who knows if they've worked on anti cheat since then (prob not) i would first off never use the mailbox, there used to be a thing when you could get inf drops in ruben and cheaters were mailing items to random players getting them trade banned. But i can't tell you the reason behind your trade ban, sadly i haven't played on NA in some time so i can't tell you if they've changed anything. But i would recommend you to stop using the mailbox to send ED, sending ED through mailbox can look suspicious enough, especially if you're not sending anything back but like i said i can't give you a proper answear.
i haven't played in Serpentium so i can't tell you if it's safe or not, plegas gaze and reflection is no problem, shadow earl is weird, some settings break the dungeon. Concert mania is also safe, even better if you have alt accs or friends for it (inc drop) but i always run solo. TRUST NO ONE. Raids is it's own thing, it is timed, and you can't forget that when you clear a dungeon in raid it will tell everyone in chat, and if they notice it's fast and check cps of players and notice no strong people, they might report you. i can't say for certain how it works, but i would not use any cheats in raids. Hope this helps you!
faster then regular servers yes
i'm not gonna get into rift probably
rift is completly diffrent, their anti cheat is way better then NA/EU story mode on crimson is totally fine
have not ran lately, but. story mode is totally fine with AK. but in the case of normal it is time based, so if you do run normal with AK and get under 1 min, you will get manually checked and if you do not have the right gear to match that time, it's a ban. i would recommend standing afk for around 1-2 min and then use AK if you struggle finishing the dungeon. like i said tho i have not ran henir on NA in ages! they might have fixed something since august, but it might also be because you are sending items in mail, trading or selling items straight after using the cheat!
also made a guide over on NA explaining the same stuff, but yea, auto kill + sell = trade ban on both region servers xd
Yea, i normally don't sell what i farm with auto kill, so i have never had an issue with trade bans
suppppppppppp biatchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am alive and back, this time over on EU, coming at you live with a new HOW TO STAY SAFE WHILE USING ELSCHEATS v.2 Recap from my previous post over on NA: The new SD dungeons aren't timed so you can use auto kill/FMA or just whatever you want here Raids: Rosso Story: Go solo! you can use AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA here, Story mode is not time based so you can finish it in less then 30 secs Rosso Normal: This is where it gets more difficult, you can use HP full, MP full but remember that people might look at your stats and wonder why you don't take dmg, also remember that if you have HP full don't let the insta kills touch you cause then you look suspicious! Berthe Story: Go solo! same here as with Rosso. AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA. no time limit so have fun here aswell! Berthe Normal: Same as with Rosso normal you can use some of the lesser stuff but you might look suspicious Abyss Story: Just don't Abyss Normal: Don't. So, i've been running Elscheat EU now for soon a week on EU, no ban/trade ban/ip ban. I've done full exp gear, IDR gear runs and farmed, without any punishment. Just to test that fact i used a high end account with over 9m cp and still nothing. The new region Monaterra: i've only done the first dungeon yet, with one hit kill i've had no problems and still have not been banned. Tirnog: just do whatever you want here, i've ran with both auto kill, 1 hit kill and etc. no problems, just be smart about what you do. DO NOT: 17-4 Carnival Tasma farm, if you run this dungeon and sell too much Tasma you could get flagged, i've yet to test this fact, but will update once i know for certain. Beyond that nothing much has changed from Elsword NA and EU! I'll update this post whenever i find out new info/get banned/or if i run into issues with any options! Scared to use a option in a dungeon? Ask me and i'll test first / let you know if it's safe or not! Happy Elscheating out there! -RevoUni
sorry been away for some bit, that is totally fine. that is how i did my collection book
hmmmm, my guess is that you're selling for too little, your acc gets checked and blocked or that they can see transactions in guild chest. I would seriously recommend trading insted unless it's a char on the same acc just transfer via personal bank insted I'm gonna try remaking your case when i have time and see if i have any problems
I've yet to get tradeblocked, idk how people get hit with it, i only and always use options from the (New! Main) tab, i've heard dungeon/chars can have some concequences so i never use that, and i don't recommed using Moonloader unless you know what you're doing! Regular tradeblock can be avoided in the following way: when trading items/ed put in one random item (the one recieving) and it should not be an issue, don't send stuff over mailbox, i've heard of problems there! If you've been tradeblocked i would love to know what options you used before!
Sup biatchesssss, i'm back with another testing to let you guys know what is safe and not! The new SD dungeons aren't timed so you can use auto kill/FMA or just whatever you want here Henir Normal: you can use Autokill or just FMA here aswell Henir Challenge: this dungeon is one of few that has a time mechanic in it, meaning if you're too fast you'll get banned! never use auto kill here and make sure that if you're hacking, be MC! a non MC on leaderboard looks weird. You can use FMA/No cooldown and no mana here just make sure to take about 3-4 mins! if you're above 3.5m cp you can do it between 2-3 mins! Raids: Rosso Story: Go solo! you can use AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA here, Story mode is not time based so you can finish it in less then 30 secs Rosso Normal: This is where it gets more difficult, you can use HP full, MP full but remember that people might look at your stats and wonder why you don't take dmg, also remember that if you have HP full don't let the insta kills touch you cause then you look suspicious! Berthe Story: Go solo! same here as with Rosso. AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA. no time limit so have fun here aswell! Berthe Normal: Same as with Rosso normal you can use some of the lesser stuff but you might look suspicious Abyss Story: Personally i haven't gotten to Abyss and Abyss Story yet but i would guess Story is the same as normals so have fun here! Abyss Normal: This is the one dungeon i would not recommend using anything. there are tons of mechanics that make it so you can't heal normally so if u have full hp here you'll be caught! Dungeons: Almost every dungeon is AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/GOD there are no time limits here what i can find! All Master Road dungeons are safe to use AutoKill in, including Hell mode! AutoKill won't work here: There are some dungeons where AutoKill won't work, In Elysion there are some dungeons that will freeze you with autokill on, the following are: Celestial Crossroads at the split pathway: For some reason this brakes the ability to run to the teleporter and Auto next stage doesn't work at this part! Adrian's Palace at the elevator: having auto kill here or FMA and attacking while running to the teleporter can break this part making you get locked! Then in Rigomor: i've found that Sea of Ruin and Abondoned Sea mine can't be auto killed. I'll update this post whenever i find out new info/get banned/or if i run into issues with any options! Scared to use a option in a dungeon? Ask me and i'll test first/or let you know if it's safe or not! Happy Elscheating out there! -RevoUni