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Everything posted by Zzzz

  1. make sure to close the ELSWORD HACK FORUM TAB on your browser. before going on elsword.exe
  2. you cant use those on henir. it will automatically kick you out. . . only USE ATTACK SPEED , NO DAMAGE , MP AND HP HACK.
  3. the children of the wind title buff damn.
  4. Use is only in solo mode or if you are the host of the party.
  5. Then don't use the ammo hack for chung. You said it that the client crashes only if you use the ammo hack for chung. As some said Crit Chance, Crit Dmg and Attck Speed is enough to clear any dungeons.
  6. -But the repair only cost like 200k+ not even greater than a mil.
  7. You are annoying mate. . .This hack is FREE . All you can do is wait for the Team to fix the issue or your issue. If gameguard terminated it they're doing their job because they are PAYED TO BLOCK THE HACK. And BTW . Thank you XJAPAN AND TEAM FOR EVERYWEEK UPDATE.
  8. i prefer Alt button or Ctrl button plus numpad button combination
  9. I downloaded the old one and not the updated one. [THREAD CLOSED]
  10. Injector wont appear ELSWORD NA/INT It wont appear. But it does run when i open it.
  11. No pain. . . . No gain. . . WTF are you suggesting. Oh God.
  12. Zzzz

    Hai <3

    you need to be korean citizen. . . to play KR.
  13. What are you using? i mean the checkboxes on the hack you use.
  14. No bot for SD and Level bot . . . XJapan and Team only provide hack injection for the game.
  15. Use 8.0 instead. We can't provide any link for you.
  16. oh and BTW did you know that the hack have HOTKEYS. Look at < _< post.
  17. I think your opponent is using the hack. I think. Because the itself can't activate if you are not the host of the pvp room or whenever you que on pvp.
  18. you didnt think that KoG can create a dummy account and join your guild. then have a sample of the hack you are using then record the whole run. There goes your proof and boom banned for eternity. In short i'm not up for this.
  19. if you finish SD below 3 mins. . . . insta ban dont ever try or think of doing it. Tried it with another dummy account. auto kil all the way and poof. just 5-10 mins.
  20. just use some VMware and you can multiclient. But it will eat your computer's ram.
  21. it's not possible since i've been also crashing even without the use of hack and it will put more likely to crash because hacks have more data to load than the client itself. More like leak some data or something. PS: im not that good coding hacks,
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