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Status Replies posted by XJapan

  1. Hii, I've buy and dowalod the Elscheat Premium, but when i try to activate there is a problem. "Invalid code". I put it my license key but doent work. Someone can help me?


  2. Hii, I've buy and dowalod the Elscheat Premium, but when i try to activate there is a problem. "Invalid code". I put it my license key but doent work. Someone can help me?


    1. XJapan



      Please look at our plans, we have x64 version and EU version, your code is only activated in the x64 version which are the INT servers 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hii, I've buy and dowalod the Elscheat Premium, but when i try to activate there is a problem. "Invalid code". I put it my license key but doent work. Someone can help me?


  4. Hii, I've buy and dowalod the Elscheat Premium, but when i try to activate there is a problem. "Invalid code". I put it my license key but doent work. Someone can help me?


  5. Hello i just bought the premium can you please active the license code thanks !

  6. Hi! I just paid for NA version premium but my code doesn't work. Can you check it? (#INVALID CODE#)

  7. Hi can you help me i buy premium service but my license key is invalid ! 

  8. Hi can you help me i buy premium service but my license key is still invalid ! 

  9. Hi can you help me i buy premium service but my license key is invalid ! 

  10. Hi, I just downloaded the .zip file and followed the instructions but it always loads and doesn't start.
    I play from an EU server

    1. XJapan


      Please disable your antivírus 

  11. ativa minha chave por gentileza

  12. code not working, please active my code ,thank you

  13. Hey i just boough and i dont see the code anywhere, and the email is just not arrving

  14. code not working


  15. Hi

    Can you check the code for me, it doesn't work.


    1. XJapan


      Please check now

  16. Hi,

    I just purchase a license today, can you activate it because it says my key is invalid.

    Thanks in advance ! =)


  17. My activation code doesnt work Elsword x64 = NA

  18. Need activation thank you

  19. Can you activate it? says activated but is not

  20. E japa mano sera que vc nao consegue deixar minha key ativa so até dia 2 deu um atraso no meu pagamento e so vou receber dia 2 ai eu ja pago pra vc o  mes de maio ai vc pode até descontar esses dois dias do mes de maio

    1. XJapan


      Quando é assim você deveria ter me falado antes, agora não é possível pois seu premium já expirou,

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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