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Elscheat in 2024 NA Elsword

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Sup biatchesssss, i'm back with another testing to let you guys know what is safe and not!

The new SD dungeons aren't timed so you can use auto kill/FMA or just whatever you want here

Henir Normal: you can use Autokill or just FMA here aswell
Henir Challenge: this dungeon is one of few that has a time mechanic in it, meaning if you're too fast you'll get banned! never use auto kill here and make sure that if you're hacking, be MC! a non MC on leaderboard looks weird. You can use FMA/No cooldown and no mana here just make sure to take about 3-4 mins! if you're above 3.5m cp you can do it between 2-3 mins!

Rosso Story: Go solo! you can use AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA here, Story mode is not time based so you can finish it in less then 30 secs
Rosso Normal: This is where it gets more difficult, you can use HP full, MP full but remember that people might look at your stats and wonder why you don't take dmg, also remember that if you have HP full don't let the insta kills touch you cause then you look suspicious!
Berthe Story: Go solo! same here as with Rosso. AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA. no time limit so have fun here aswell!
Berthe Normal: Same as with Rosso normal you can use some of the lesser stuff but you might look suspicious
Abyss Story: Personally i haven't gotten to Abyss and Abyss Story yet but i would guess Story is the same as normals so have fun here!
Abyss Normal: This is the one dungeon i would not recommend using anything. there are tons of mechanics that make it so you can't heal normally so if u have full hp here you'll be caught!

Almost every dungeon is AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/GOD
there are no time limits here what i can find!

All Master Road dungeons are safe to use AutoKill in, including Hell mode!

AutoKill won't work here:
There are some dungeons where AutoKill won't work,  In Elysion there are some dungeons that will freeze you with autokill on, the following are:
Celestial Crossroads at the split pathway: For some reason this brakes the ability to run to the teleporter and Auto next stage doesn't work at this part!
Adrian's Palace at the elevator: having auto kill here or FMA and attacking while running to the teleporter can break this part making you get locked!

Then in Rigomor:
i've found that Sea of Ruin and Abondoned Sea mine can't be auto killed.

I'll update this post whenever i find out new info/get banned/or if i run into issues with any options!
Scared to use a option in a dungeon? Ask me and i'll test first/or let you know if it's safe or not!

Happy Elscheating out there!


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I've yet to get tradeblocked, idk how people get hit with it, i only and always use options from the (New! Main) tab, i've heard dungeon/chars can have some concequences so i never use that, and i don't recommed using Moonloader unless you know what you're doing!

Regular tradeblock can be avoided in the following way: when trading items/ed put in one random item (the one recieving) and it should not be an issue, don't send stuff over mailbox, i've heard of problems there!

If you've been tradeblocked i would love to know what options you used before!

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auto skill, auto next-stage, auto restart DG, full farm laboratory 11/4, sell stones and elixir, buy tasma aura and pass them through the guild trunk, even so, they managed to make me tradeblocked, only to the accounts that the hack was used, but not the account where the tasma arrived

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hmmmm, my guess is that you're selling for too little, your acc gets checked and blocked or that they can see transactions in guild chest.

I would seriously recommend trading insted unless it's a char on the same acc just transfer via personal bank insted

I'm gonna try remaking your case when i have time and see if i have any problems

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  • 2 months later...
hace 12 horas, CharaHilde dijo:

does it safe to use auto-kill in heroic dungeon bro ? 
all normal dungeon is safe right ? even the dungeons from end game region ?

All dungeons are safe except the ones that have crono ranking or shit like that, obv you would not use it on raids or parties with players that you dont know if they are going to report you (<--- for this last point most people make parties with other "cheaters" or alt account to AFK or do normal raids. But its complicated to find players with gaming chair, on NA are ton with that)

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Shingouki said:

Did you run Henir at all? Even though with normal, you can run AK and all that, but I'm still suspicious.

have not ran lately, but. story mode is totally fine with AK. but in the case of normal it is time based, so if you do run normal with AK and get under 1 min, you will get manually checked and if you do not have the right gear to match that time, it's a ban. i would recommend standing afk for around 1-2 min and then use AK if you struggle finishing the dungeon. like i said tho i have not ran henir on NA in ages!

4 hours ago, greece0201 said:

That's how I did it, but the transaction was permanently banned :(

they might have fixed something since august, but it might also be because you are sending items in mail, trading or selling items straight after using the cheat!

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6 hours ago, Sl33pyBear said:

I got banned instantly after using aukill and auto next stage on rift. Seems like this is not working at all


rift is completly diffrent, their anti cheat is way better then NA/EU

2 hours ago, Shingouki said:

I ran story mode on Crimson raids and Henir without issue. Just don't trade straight after and you should be fine. I don't plan on doing any selling until I for sure know I "look legit".

story mode on crimson is totally fine

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  • 4 weeks later...

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