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Elsword EU / How to stay safe! <3


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suppppppppppp biatchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I am alive and back, this time over on EU, coming at you live with a new HOW TO STAY SAFE WHILE USING ELSCHEATS v.2

Recap from my previous post over on NA:

The new SD dungeons aren't timed so you can use auto kill/FMA or just whatever you want here

Rosso Story: Go solo! you can use AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA here, Story mode is not time based so you can finish it in less then 30 secs
Rosso Normal: This is where it gets more difficult, you can use HP full, MP full but remember that people might look at your stats and wonder why you don't take dmg, also remember that if you have HP full don't let the insta kills touch you cause then you look suspicious!
Berthe Story: Go solo! same here as with Rosso. AutoKill/FMA/NOCD/FULLMANA. no time limit so have fun here aswell!
Berthe Normal: Same as with Rosso normal you can use some of the lesser stuff but you might look suspicious
Abyss Story: Just don't
Abyss Normal: Don't.

So, i've been running Elscheat EU now for soon a week on EU, no ban/trade ban/ip ban.
I've done full exp gear, IDR gear runs and farmed, without any punishment. Just to test that fact i used a high end account with over 9m cp and still nothing.

The new region Monaterra: i've only done the first dungeon yet, with one hit kill i've had no problems and still have not been banned.
Tirnog: just do whatever you want here, i've ran with both auto kill, 1 hit kill and etc. no problems, just be smart about what you do.

DO NOT: 17-4 Carnival Tasma farm, if you run this dungeon and sell too much Tasma you could get flagged, i've yet to test this fact, but will update once i know for certain.

Beyond that nothing much has changed from Elsword NA and EU!

I'll update this post whenever i find out new info/get banned/or if i run into issues with any options!
Scared to use a option in a dungeon? Ask me and i'll test first / let you know if it's safe or not!

Happy Elscheating out there!


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